On dating apps, psychedelics & the life of the nomad...
My path to redemption via Neo-agrarianism.
I never thought I would be discussing this topic. In fact, I may end up regretting this and deleting this post. Enjoy it while it lasts! I speak of this possible regret because I do not think that we can find much truth in discussing the present age, in the materialistic realm of modern times. On second thought, maybe I should "Go Galt" & paywall this valuable piece of post-modernity!
If one wishes to "Ride the Tiger" of modernity, until that tiger gets tired of course, for the agrarianist must have patience or he will truely fail fast & hard (like Yarvin's Elect-a-King! My sides! although I love everything else he says). I must therefore then speak about the grotesque issues of the day. This also serves as a means to stay relevant and provide fodder to those that are earlier on in their neo-agrarian journey than myself.
I was having a chat with some fellow revolutionaries (who make some killer Yarvin videos BTW) the other day and the topic of dating apps was brought up. Of course, being a neo-agrarian myself, and hanging out with a bunch of monarchist-types, The Opinion was Synonymous; The "dating app" is truly an evil of our time. A modern debauchery of spirit and mankind. You will never find mother-material or some mythical trad-cath girl on one of those things.
I do not disagree with this assessment, so I want to say it right now that I am firmly in agreement with my fascist brothers-in-arms. Dating apps are to be avoided at all costs. But then again, what about the corner-cases of West-Texas & Montana?
From another Point of View.
Also, to view things from all sides, I am still in touch with the occasional nihilist or marxist. Although it may be rare these days, for most of these types tend to unfriend your more traditionalist folks early on in their metamorphosis into butterflys. Of course these types love dating apps, how else to live happily in modern-times but to embrace modern mores & hedonism! Sex as communal property, a-la-Marx.
Then, All of a sudden, with one image of modernity, I am pro-Myanmar military? This cannot be!
The Centrist on Dating Apps?
And now, amazingly and unexpectedly, I find myself, very uncomfortably, to be a fence sitter. Oh the horror. I find myself floating somewhat in the middle in terms of this topic. Almost a centrist. How can a centrist also call himself a revolutionary!
I do believe in a nuanced archeo-futurist sort of sense, that if finding the ideal mother-of-your-children is important, and it truly is. It may sometimes take resorting to modernist practices, even nomadic ones or GASP, DIGITAL methods in this modern fallen world in order to find your ideal mate.
Take a step back… Can we learn anything from “Naked Strangers”?
First let me speak in defense of having children. This is for the occasional hedonist that may read this blog, which they might, in order to find the light through the impending darkness.
For my true brothers-in-arms, I'm sure this next part is not even necessary.
As a more marxist & hedonistic friend of mine (still drunken on the fumes, hubris and naïveté of youth, no doubt, as I once was too!) recently told me:
"Sex is expression. It also forces you to face your vulnerabilities. There is a lot to be learned from naked strangers."
Perhaps there is some truth to this, at least for young men early on in life. Yes, each stranger, being a reflection of the spirit of god, you can learn from each one, each with its unique reflection. Some more noble & some more grotesque than each other. Perhaps exploring hedonistic or even psychedelic realms serve as a means to search out different forms of expression in today's present (or dare I say regressive?) world.
Perhaps it is only a fallen man, from this debased world, seeking redemption, that can transcend the modern & very materialistic world we live in? Otherwise of course you're a naive blissful man. I cannot believe that ignorance is any bliss.
The retort:
Yet here is my retort. I must also say that the most transcendent sex is sharing of the seed to procreate, only then, does the naked-stranger-hedonism-mantra fall apart. For it is, that nature of man, in which he combines his soul with that of another soul and procreates. That is sublime-transcendence, outside of yourself! You will never find that sort of transcendence from purely hedonistic-pleasure. The only thing transcendentally superior to this union must be death!
When a man and woman unite in this spirit and soul and create a whole-nother spirit and soul which contains the former and creates a new latter, is this not the most primordial transformation one can possibly reach on a higher realm?
And furthermore, is it not tantric love from which the ancient traditions see this most noble embrace? The love of “holding back” in a physical & spiritual sense? Although I have not delved into tantric literature enough to say more on the matter but I thought it worth mentioning. (Perhaps more in a future post)
I also do say that if we are in the latter stages of the Kali Yuga, are we not in a dissolution from the original Spirit-of-Man? In fact I will go a step further, having had plenty of psychedelics and sex with random strangers in my day, probably more of both than one would care to even admit to.
You can only transcend so much on the material plane! Yes, face your vulnerabilities with others, There is much to be said in that sort of communal experience amongst two individuals. But the nature of man and his spirit, is ALL of his nature. You can only find that spirit so much in the present-moment. And what you do find is so far dissolved from its original spirit that it is of little use to you in its remnants presently in modern times. It is so far removed from whatever spirit it once held for man, it is almost unrecognizable in its current state.
I hate to harp on the stoics because I'm sure I have many disagreements with our good friend Marcus Aurelius but one of his entirely valid points I believe is that man must follow his true nature.
In addition, you also must ignore the Abrahamic & linear view of time for perhaps the ages are cyclical. Perhaps we hold far too much reverence for the present. We view the future as simply more progress based on the present. But the true transcendental futuristic man lies in reverence for the past, almost as much as the future. In a synergy, an Archeo-futurism have you will. Otherwise man will, as it appears to currently be, on a path that is simply a technological-supremacist, and therefore strictly, materialistic future.
As a side-note: You know who doesn't give a crap about any of this dating app stuff and remains blissfully unaware of everything I am saying because of either separating themselves from society or from living somewhere so goddamn-cold that you feel that spirit of nature every freaking day. The Inuits and the Amish. And they rank pretty high on happiness indexes.
For if man wants fulfillment it's in his traditional spirit and nature and family and some sort of hierarchy and fulfillment in a power-process (Maslow/Kaczynski) that fulfills one within that hierarchy, and a community and a spirit to fall back on during hard times.
On the other hand, as I said before, the Marxist and the Capitalists could give two-craps about any of this traditionalist nonsense, as it stands against materialism. They strictly care about; how one acquires materialistic pleasures.
To summarize briefly; One must view his time on this earth as part of a cyclical time period, a synergy of man with his past and his future, and a disregard for the present material world. A noble spirit.
And if my bullshit doesn't convince you. Just look at those with an opposing viewpoint?
Ayn Rand had so many male sex partners, I think it debased her to an extent, and her thinking. She never had children, She never had transcendent sex. For all her rantings about selfishness, What more of a selfish pleasure than watching your own child grow?
And for the opposing point of view from hers one need not look further than Marx & Engels themselves and their own manifesto to see their rejection of anything familial and tradition based.
And as a means to pitch my own way of life I guess, as a sort of proselytizing, within Neo-Agrarianism.
They're still remains a worthwhile and fulfilling hierarchy and power-process outside of the divisive anti-egalitarian capitalist hierarchy. It is Neo-agrarian feudalism. This movement stands in opposition to a Capitalist ideology which is in daily combat with egalitarian Marxist anti-hierarchy. These two materialistic movements, Capitalism & Marxism, are at conflict with one another presently. Who wants to live around that sort of low-frequency stuff?
You want to stay on the high-frequency-plane brothers! As a former-engineer, believe me. You want to operate at the Gigahertz-level. Especially when one finds out that there is a traditional and agrarian hierarchy that plays out in the rural parts of the United States still today.
See my last article on this!
But what about the dating apps Bro? Surely this whole rant in favor of tradition & children means you're against them.
I can only speak from my own path. My path was a nomadic one. I became a nomad before I became an agrarian. I cast away most of which kept me comfortable in my Capitalist world, because it held me back. Once I realized this, I was free to redeem myself and pave my own future. For me at least, the only way out of the dystopia of Silicon Valley, engineering-capitalist-libertarianism, was to become one of those dudes living out of their campers in the work parking lot saving up some FU money. As spiritual as I am these days, I still wanted to start a family. Neo-agrarianism was and still is the best way to begin and then foster this family. I can speak from experience. Growing up on a farm is idyllic.
And I learned early on in that time as a nomad, in the hubris of my youth. As I travelled around as much as I could. I learned that in those travels, I kept seeking a return to nature. I found so many reflections of God that were so much more noble than I had found in the cities.
I am still a product of my generation. A generation that finds other souls online, and I reject it now and for my children. But back then, in the small rural valleys that dot streams beyond the mountains anyone dares venture, I was able to find that spiritual-homesteading-pioneer-woman that allowed me to transcend to a greater plane. It exists, it is real, it is possible, they are out there and they can be yours...
And now we have one child, Jesse Jr. and another on the way...
All from an app...
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Thanks, great write up, eloquent. I struggle with this often. Today- I had one I know I wanted children with “ghost” me after some serious back and forth the past week— and one I wasn’t too enamored with throwing herself at me within hours. The factors and variables constantly streaming through my mind as to which one holds the most optimal cards for a better future.... such is being human I suppose.
The caliber of women you meet on there. Your expectations, their expectations and how they fit into the ever changing expectations of a society decaying faster and faster. Can you find one who already sees? Or is it inevitable you must teach? The conditioning and propaganda that constantly surrounds us and affects our friends and family always an obstacle and challenge.
And if not there online as our modern times demand, then where? A bar that is closed? A church that is closed? A hobby that is now forbidden by “mandate”??
Strange times, our ‘modern’ era.