The $600,000 house, the $80,000 boat, the $40,000 Sprinter van. The dreams of the Uber-consumer! Exactly how many years does one have to work, fulfilling the materialistic dreams of someone else, in order to fulfill their own materialistic dreams?
There's no reason that a house should be worth that much, other than it has to be, because what else would validate the wage-slave life in order to attain it? And why? Why have a 600,000 dollar house? Does it somehow contain you better than any shelter could?
I couldn't do it. I cannot do it. Those materialists have bitten off a lot more than I could chew. There must be a fortitude or stubbornness, or a complete lack of fortitude and stubbornness, which prevents me from living & working within the rat-race. It is much more horrific living within a wage-slave life, then simply rejecting it, and living the life of a pauper.
Nothing brings me greater misery than working (& producing), for someone else, as a wage slave. Fulfilling someone else's dreams at the expense of my own burgeoning dreams. For it is until someone has left the idea of being a wage slave and left the idea of being the ultimate-consumer, that is when one is free to pursue their own dreams outside of that realm.
I also firmly believe that if you wait too long in life to fulfill your own dreams, by the time you fulfill someone else's dreams and retire, you will never know what your own dream was all about. Just casually look at Boomers for evidence.
What exactly happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore—
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over—
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
Would I feel more fulfilled having bought something so large as a $600k house? I think not. Especially when it was someone else's creation. I feel more fulfillment building something from the ground up. Starting with the foundation have you will. Fulfillment, for me at least, lies in producing greatness, not consuming it...
The same goes true for art and music. The noble spirit of man comes from creating art not consuming it. The ability to consume things, more than most can ever dream of consuming, is that a virtue? I cannot buy into such materialistic dreams of uber-consumption. Whereas I can buy into buying a plot of land and building a foundation from the ground up.
You can still find land for 1-$4,000 an acre. Land which holds a camper just fine. Land you can cultivate and make your own. Land under which you can feel the sweat of your own brow as you are the first human on earth, not just to walk this land, but being the first to push a plow over it, to til it's hard-packed & centuries-old soil. The first to envision what you will create on this land.
A $600k house would feel like a burden to me. I would feel a need to continue to be a wage slave, just to pay the bills and taxes on such a land. And if such a land was not able to be turned into an agrarian and traditional way of life, in order to pay those bills & taxes, it too would feel like a burden. Such a property at best, would be something that I could rent to some other wage slave.
And those renters would be doing what? They would be working to fulfill my dreams of materialism. They would be working so I could pay my taxes on my Uber-materialism. Why would I want to relegate more people to that death?
Producers and Consumers.
We live in a society based around the consumption of goods, entertainment, media, video games, podcasts, news, arts and everything we eat and consume.
But what do we produce? Where are the petty artisans?
Most of what we consume is created by others. More often than not by someone very far away from us. Perhaps even across a distant ocean.
It's like we live in a foreign-exchange-jobs-program where you work so that you can consume products produced by someone far away. Everyone needs a job right? Your job is to consume and don't ask any questions!
We consume so much we don't even know what it is like to build anything anymore. What if we flipped the script and produced most of what we consume? What if we became a society of producers, not consumers?
And not the production of crappy art, I mean the production of everything we consume. Bread & Potatoes, music (the music we listen to is pretty bad anyways) even our own fuel! (Ask me how!).
Imagine if instead of spending your life working to consume, you spent your life producing for yourself.
Now certainly some of you are thinking, but I cannot produce everything I consume, I don't have the skills!
Now how much of the things you consume do you actually need? How many of the things do you consume that simply work as a means to distract you from your situation?
I recently took up a brief new hobby. I had these pallets sitting around, some half-broken, others partially busted. Well I stripped them and I started to create new things. At first I made a generator shelter. Then a goat shelter. Then a well pump shelter. Then a box to hold the batteries which power our house. Then a jewelry holder for the misses. Then some wooden backing to repair some things around the house. Hold Crap! WTF did I just produce with some old broken pallets!
Pick up the shambles that is your life of consuming products and start to produce your own!
We live in a society where rich people have power and of course the monetary wealth to buy that power. How then does their fellow man treat them? As a person of character? A person of great wisdom?
No, as just the money-grubber.
Money is for stupid people, The unwise.
For if you have money, that is all people will want from you. How much wiser would it be for people to want wisdom from you. Virtue from you. Not worth, but worthiness.
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Beautifully written. Easy to forget what it means to produce when we are overwhelmed with so many things to be consumed. Legitimately gives me a bit of guilt as I just sit consuming article after article, dating swipe after dating swipe. While my business idles, slowly waiting to return to “normal” (if it ever could) I could be making use of these pallets, or marketing to others to consume my products 😆.
It seems By the time many realize the reality of the rat race- you’re too far deep. @ 33 I still have time, but it’s an upward battle against boomers giving you their conventional wisdom on many fronts (must get loan, must buy house).
Sorry your blog not mine 😆. Great posts, enjoy them so much.