If you think about it most of the wealth rises to the top, and more specifically; Those who have worked the longest or just lived the longest tend to have more wealth.
It is just a simple fact that Older people tend to have more wealth.
…And so the older people have more say in our society because we all know that money is power. So these older folk have a lot more say in our society than they normally would have because they have an extraordinary amount of wealth. The younger people on the other hand have far less. They're far more meek in this regard.
Now these older people have much more wealth and much more power and in normal times under normal circumstances this would actually be a net-positive as the old would seem wiser and more noble with ancient-truths.
But Ah, there's the rub of our modern times. For our elders are, the Boomers…
The Boomers are unlike any of our old past wise-men, for many of our modern-old men have forsaken those ancient truths or traditions of yesteryear. They have forsaken them in the sake of, originally perhaps some sort of noble hippie ideals like of equality, but when they got older and they learned that they wanted material pleasures it was then that we all learned that the Boomer wanted the comforts of this material Earth far greater than any of their previous for-bearers.
For the Boomer’s parents, or at least their great-grandparents, learned to live a meek existence in their own pre-modern realm. The Boomers are however a bit different. They wallow in the McMansions and trivial pleasure-pursuits of man. Is it any surprise that drug use is rampant, whether legal or illegal drugs, in this modern time? For the Boomer will do anything to forget how they got us into this disaster of a world that they've created. For what they've created is the exact opposite of those youthful ideals they began with!
They may have began as counter-culture hippies but they ended their lives as petty-capitalists. Each controlling their own gated fiefdom so that the young idealistic bunch may not gain entry into their pleasure-domes.
But are the Boomer’s aspirations what a person should even want?
Perhaps we should come away with a different viewpoint. Perhaps we are the lucky ones. For we can see the sad-tale of the Boomer in front of our faces and we can choose a much more noble path. The Enlightened Path of the Shepherd…
The Me-Generation
The Me-Generation that formed it's mind during the 60's. The Boomers. They preach selfless-ness, while practicing selfishness. They preach, if it feels good, do it in the road; Hedonism in the streets, while living in private gated communities free from the great debauched masses.
The Conservative-Boomers preach, "pull yourself up from your bootstraps", "forge your own path", "you only have yourself to blame when you fail" — that sort of ideology. And while perhaps these “Boomer-isms” do contain some nuggets of noble truths, today these messages come falling down on deaf ears when faced against Big-Tech and the Technocratic Oligarchies & elites of our day.
The Liberal-Boomers preach, "endless benefits & welfare programs" while tolerating "endless social degeneracy" (while characterizing it as the new “normalcy”) and "endless technological supremacy".
While some other more enlightened Doomer-Boomers call all of this "acceleration-ism" and "inevitable-progress"... It all really does beg the question doesn’t it? Does anyone actually want to live in this prospective accelerated future? I know I don't. And that's one of the reasons I became a Goat Farmer.
Both sides of the Boomer Left/Right divide will argue against each other until the last vestiges of Boomer-ism has collapsed and been vanquished from this material world.
The question is, What can you now do to stop it?
Become the Worst Nightmare of this Aging Boomer world.
They have dug their own future deeper and deeper into a giant hole. They have become so fixated on the "I must have something bigger so my neighbor can gape at me" materialist Ideology of the Second-Hander, that it wholly guides their myopic-dissonant thinking. This is literally all they care about. How much stuff do I have? How can I get more stuff? How can I keep that stuff? Regardless of which side of the political aisle they may fall on, if you dare threaten their stuff (401k, Social Security, Electricity & Internet Connection) they will lose their shit into their Depends Undergarments as if they had just touched the third-rail.
So how do you become their worst nightmare?
First off, don't give a crap about materialistic hogwash. Don’t fall for the trap they’ve fell for. Do not become just another young-Boomer. I’ve seen them. They are pretty ugly to behold. In fact, if you want to go real far with this, become a Farmer. All you care about at that point is Farming. And what a better way than to heal this society then by growing your own food with your own growing new family by your side, for after all every Farmer needs a Family.
Now before you start doubting my course of action, listen here; This really is the Boomer’s worst nightmare. For they worked a job they hated most of their life in order to build a life they ended up hating, and Misery Loves Company, so nothing pains them more than to see a young Goat Farmer who is happy and fulfilled living with much less than themselves.
What is the Boomer's worst Nightmare? A Generation of Millennial's, Zoomer's and Alpha Kings ignoring their pleas to act like them and acting accordingly. In our own self-interests. Become a farmer today.
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